Good Afternoon, I just received an M0S dock with bl616 on it.
I spent the whole day playing with it. So far i dont have any issue with compiling and flashing.
I grabbed a gist which toggle the two user leds and it works.
My issue is that im not able to understand how to read message either from the LOG or from printf.
I have an rv-debugger, which also has an uart, i connected this rv-debugger uart to the M0s dock uart pins close to the usb-c plug. I launch screen like screen /dev/ttyUSB1 115200,cs7
which is the only way to print ascii char on the console, but sadly the printed chars are far away from what i expect from the reading the source code.
So basically what am i missing here ? how is it possible to used bl616 with printing stuff (like debug message) over an uart link ? focusing on M0S dock from sipeed. Thanks in advance.