Sorry, Divadiow, I do not.
I've already publicly chastised them for ignoring customer issues here for too long.
When Bouffalo was moving with the BL602/BL604, I even really liked the parts and even tried to help vendors track the official BL SDK. Then it split.
Between IOT, SDK, SDK_TINY, COMPONENTS, SDK_APP, ISP, the various LINUX mutants and the dichotomy of the quality, conforming SiFive cores and the T-Head cores that tend to play more loose with the RISC-V specifications and don't even support my preferred build environment, I'll admit that I've kind of detached in recent quarters. That's before we even get into branches of any of the above trees.
For example, Nuttx and Arduino were announced as an supported SDKs a while ago, yet I don't see a single checkin at since it was made three years ago. So is Bouffalo helping to drive NuttX adoption as a way to help provide a quality SDK for their users? How about BL808 with Arduino? Darned if I can tell.
Please give me ONE, well-supported SDK on all three mainstream development OSes in different accents (like ESP-IDF, ahem, with a side of ESP32-arduino and ESP32-platformio) and put some FSE's behind helping people figure questions like this out, and I'd be more enthusiastically BL these days. They've kind of lost me between BL602/4, BL616, Bl70x, and BL808 each being largely unrelated experiences.
Heck, that's even lead people to ask if the company's still supporting some of them. It's hard to tell.
For a while I was really into Bl602 and helping to support a couple of projects under it. I never really saw evidence of them supporting Bl616, though I bought a bunch for dev. use. BL808 for all the OSes was just kind of a mess. I don't know what's going on.
Sorry for the tough love. I've at least explained WHY I've pretty much broken up. But I'm afraid I can't answer your question.