采用全片烧录,但是发现在全片擦除时时间非常短,只有Erase time cost(ms): 20.150390625;
最后数据校验失败提示ErrorCode: 003E, ErrorMsg: BFLB FLASH LOAD VERIFY FAIL
[23:02:28.984] - Dealing Index 0
[23:02:28.985] - ========= programming /home/lemxliu/Application/BouffaloLabDevCube-v1.8.9/chips/bl808/img_create_iot/img_single.bin to 0x00000000
[23:02:29.053] - flash para file: /home/lemxliu/Application/BouffaloLabDevCube-v1.8.9/chips/bl808/efuse_bootheader/flash_para.bin
[23:02:29.056] - Set flash config
[23:02:29.062] - Set para time cost(ms): 5.942138671875
[23:02:29.063] - ========= flash load =========
[23:02:29.079] - ========= flash read =========
[23:02:29.118] - Read 4096/4096
[23:02:29.123] - Flash read time cost(ms): 43.176513671875
[23:02:29.123] - Finished
[23:02:29.160] - ========= flash erase =========
[23:02:29.161] - Erase flash from 0x0 to 0xffffff
[23:02:29.182] - Erase time cost(ms): 20.150390625
[23:02:29.183] - decompress write rx timeout: 196.608
[23:02:30.780] - decompress flash load 10074876
[23:02:30.817] - Load 4096/10074876 {"progress":0}
[23:02:30.849] - Load 8192/10074876 {"progress":0}
[23:03:50.229] - Load 10072064/10074876 {"progress":99}
[23:03:50.245] - Load 10074876/10074876 {"progress":100}
[23:03:50.246] - Load 10074876/10074876 {"progress":100}
[23:03:50.246] - Write check
[23:03:54.541] - Flash load time cost(ms): 85357.9609375
[23:03:54.541] - Finished
[23:03:54.612] - Sha caled by host: 98f9d6c411a5bcbe9c5edf726758bd155354c9e7289440d37009285cb1e85e0f
[23:03:54.612] - xip mode Verify
[23:04:08.388] - Read Sha256/16777216
[23:04:08.388] - Flash xip readsha time cost(ms): 13767.76220703125
[23:04:08.389] - Finished
[23:04:08.403] - Sha caled by dev: aa428daff45a2aaf9cfdf18ebf6af8024a437b5e081f5550fac8d05658a51ccf
[23:04:08.404] - Verify fail
[23:04:08.404] - ########################################################################
[23:04:08.404] - 请按照以下描述排查问题:
[23:04:08.405] - 是否降低烧录波特率到500K测试过
[23:04:08.405] - 烧写文件的大小是否超过Flash所能存储的最大空间
[23:04:08.406] - Flash是否被写保护
[23:04:08.406] - ########################################################################
[23:04:08.409] - ErrorCode: 003E, ErrorMsg: BFLB FLASH LOAD VERIFY FAIL
[23:04:08.415] - Burn Retry
[23:04:08.417] - 0
[23:04:08.417] - Burn return with retry fail