我根据 BouffaloLabDevCube-v1.9.0 的doc 尝试在自己的开发板上使能 固件加密功能,根据文档写入AES的Key和IV,并且也配置AES界面的KEY,但是我想再次写入固件的时候,就一直提示 错误,我只配置了 ReadLock,但是现在是无法写入了。还麻烦可以帮我看看是我什么地方有问题吗?

[20:01:03.539] - Not ack OK
[20:01:03.541] - FL
[20:01:03.542] - result: FL
[20:01:03.804] - tx rx and power off, press the machine!
[20:01:03.807] - cutoff time is 0.1
[20:01:03.909] - power on tx and rx
[20:01:04.638] - reset cnt: 0, reset hold: 0.005, shake hand delay: 0.1
[20:01:04.641] - clean buf
[20:01:04.643] - send sync
[20:01:04.856] - ack is 4f4b
[20:01:04.890] - shake hand success
[20:01:04.902] - get_boot_info
[20:01:04.907] - data read is b'0100000000010000030003003fc15a4cb97c1600'
[20:01:04.907] - ========= chipid: 7cb94c5ac13f =========
[20:01:04.908] - last boot info: None
[20:01:04.909] - sign is 0 encrypt is 1
[20:01:04.909] - Image hash is b'a28cac8faea20afddb86a71489ae91869a6a0589f90b9abfb5e6a3933b9ad888'
[20:01:04.909] - Hash ignored
[20:01:04.909] - Header crc ignored
[20:01:04.911] - segcnt is 1
[20:01:04.922] - Not ack OK
[20:01:04.922] - result: FL0210(BFLB_IMG_SECTIONHEADER_CRC_ERROR)
[20:01:04.922] - Error: Image load fail
[20:01:04.922] - Load helper bin time cost(ms): 1588.39697265625
[20:01:04.922] - ErrorCode: 0003, ErrorMsg: BFLB LOAD HELP BIN FAIL
[20:01:04.922] - Burn Retry
[20:01:04.922] - 0
[20:01:04.922] - Burn return with retry fail