Delicates,不要贬低这块很棒的板子(如果它在美国以合适的价格出售,我可能会买它。干得好!)类似板子的一个好的起点可能是 Sipeed BL702 调试器 .
这是一个非常好的价格的好板。 用您自己的软件替换他们的软件,但使用他们的原理图作为起点。 (我不关心他们对 ST32F103 的仿真,但它“只是”一个 BL702 处理器。运行您自己的代码。)为您的信号需求提供更多的 GPIO 引脚,如 Pinecone 或此板。
我一直将它们用作 JTAG 适配器,只是将它们留在项目中,因为它们非常便宜。
Original English:
Delicates , not to detract from this great board (which I would probably buy, if it were for sale in the U.S. at the right price. Nicely done!) a good starting place for a similar board might be the Sipeed BL702 debugger.
It is a nice board at a very nice price. Replace their software with your own, but use their schematics as a starting place. (I don't care for their emulation of ST32F103, but it's "just" a BL702 processor. Run your own code.) Bring out more GPIO pins, like a Pinecone or this board, for your signaling needs.
Schematics, assembly: https://github.com/sipeed/RV-Debugger-BL702/tree/main/hardware
Main Page: https://github.com/sipeed/RV-Debugger-BL702
I've been using these as JTAG adapters and just leaving them on the project because they're so cheap.